Stress comes into our lives from many directions. Some sources of stress (stressors) come and go quickly while others linger and pile on top of each other, leading to chronic stress that can cause serious health issues. Try these anti-stress ideas to help manage your stress.

Manage your time – If not having enough time is high on your list of stressors, you may need to practice saying “no”. Admitting you cannot do everything for everyone is difficult for some of us, but cutting back on obligations can help you stay in control of your calendar which can lower your stress.

Set priorities – Sort out what is truly important in your life and what you could do without. Cutting back on activities that are less important can help you manage your time and help you enjoy the things you chose to do.

Plan ahead – Being disorganized can steal time from your schedule and increase your stress. Knowing how long a project will take can help you make better choices to keep your time under control. Make sure you are well prepared for meetings or presentations, and set realistic goals for yourself to help keep stress under control.

Manage your money – Worries about finances can be a big source of stress. Overspending can also lead to working longer hours to earn more money, which can add more stress as time becomes tighter.

Have a support system – Having friends and family to offer support can help you stay positive even when things get stressful. Cultivate friendships and connections with positive people, and reach out to people who care about you when you are feeling stressed.

Take time for yourself – If you already have a hobby give yourself time to enjoy it. If you don’t have a hobby, consider spending time doing something soothing like gardening, reading, or making music.

Relax – Techniques like yoga, meditation, and massage can help you handle stress. Make time to relax a part of your regular routine so you can stay calm and in control when you are under pressure.

Stress will always be a part of life, and some sources of stress cannot be controlled. Managing stress means controlling how you respond to the stresses that are part of your life.

If you feel your stress is out of control and the techniques you have been trying are not working, talk to your health care provider about better ways to control how you respond to stress.


Mayo Clinic. Stress management. Web. December 29, 2011. Stress Management. I’m Just Too Busy. How Do I Find More Time?. Elizabeth Scott, MS. Web. December 29, 2011. Understanding Stress. Melinda Smith, MA, Robert Segal, MA, Jeanne Segal, PhD. Web. December 29, 2011.

Reviewed December 29, 2011
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith