We all have stress in our lives, and we all have times when that stress can seem overwhelming. Stress can seem to attack us from many directions and what is stressful for one person may not cause any stress for someone else. Whether you want to learn how to reduce stress or how to relieve stress, learning how to deal with stress is an ongoing process.

There is no one method for relieving stress that works for everyone, just as there is no one cause of stress (stressor). Some stressors are emotional, such as changes in job status or family issues that cause worry or fear. Other stressors are physical such as pain caused by surgery. Experiencing one type of stress can also trigger another type, as when worry causes stomach pains.

Learning how to reduce stress starts with recognizing the causes of tension in your life and how you react to them. Some stressors have obvious starting and ending points, such as a big assignment at work with a critical deadline. Recognizing that the stress will be over soon may help you deal with it until it is gone. You may also be able to cut back on other sources of stress by making time for yourself until the big stressor is past.

Other causes of stress are less obvious, but can pile up in the back of your mind like a stack of unpaid bills or an issue in a relationship that you need to resolve. You can begin to reduce your stress by thinking about issues or sources of tension in your life, then deciding what if anything you should do about them.

If you are unsure what to do, try talking about what is bothering you with people you respect. They may have an idea to solve the problem or to reduce your stress about it. And sometimes just sharing how you feel can make you feel less alone as you work to find a solution. For some people, just the act of working toward a solution can help ease stress as they take steps toward accomplishing a positive goal.

Whatever the cause of your stress, you will be better able to handle it when you are well-rested. So make sure you give yourself time to relax before bed. Allow enough time for a good night’s sleep, especially if you know you have a stressful day ahead.

Regular exercise can also help reduce stress. It doesn’t take hours in an expensive gym to get the benefit of exercise. A simple walk around the block can help clear your mind and help you refocus. Because the natural stress response for our bodies is to get ready to either fight or flee, exercise can help burn off that extra energy and let your body relax.

Be thoughtful about what you are eating when you are stressed. Many people reach for high calorie comfort foods or quick junk foods when they are stressed. But these foods do not fuel your body as effectively as a balanced diet, and may contribute to your stress if eating them makes you feel guilty later.

Some people find that relaxation techniques or stress management techniques such as meditation or yoga can help them handle stress more easily. If you feel unable to deal with the stress in your life, you may also benefit from stress counseling or therapy. Talk to your health care provider for recommendations to reduce your stress.


Mayo Clinic. Stress Relief. Web. December 20, 2011.

eMedicine Health. Stress. Donald R. Rhodes, Jr., MD. Web. December 20, 2011.
http://www.emedicinehealth.com/stress/page6_em.htm#Stress Treatment

Medline Plus. Stress management. Web. December 20, 2011.

MedicineNet. Stress. Melissa Conrad Stoppler, MD. Web. December 20, 2011.

Reviewed December 21, 2011
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith