We had a lot of interesting health questions fill the community this week. Women asked about causes of both back pain and breast pain. And of course we were all wondering why some saw a dress as white and gold while others saw black and blue. We have the answer to the science behind different colors of the dress this week, as well as answers to other great health questions.

Here are some of our favorite ASKs from this week:

1. A: "Human eyes and brains have evolved to see color in a sunlit world, as a result, we perceive only the reflected colors. Blue light has the shortest wavelength making it harder to see than other colors." Read the rest of the answer here.

2. A: "Pain can cause rage -and the kind of pain you go through can cause this kind of rage.  Because you know this pain and rage may be on it's way - your body responds by panicking." Read the rest of the answer here

3. A: "I had a right mastectomy and tissue expander until reconstructive surgery. From personal experience, I can say that sometimes I would feel a slight discomfort as the surrounding muscle healed." Read the rest of the answer here

4. A: "Have you ever been tested for any kind of auto immune disease?  I think you should be tested, if you haven't and you should also discuss the possibility of fibromyalgia." Read the rest of the answer here

5. A: "If pregnancy is not a risk, then I don't think you have much to worry about. Perfect cycles aren't always that common.Read the rest of the answer here

Do you have a health question for our community? Post your question here.