A wide array of stories were shared in EmpowHER's community this week. Women talked about eating disorders, weight loss and the similarities between breast cancer and sharks . Do you have a health story that you would like to share? Post your blog post to our community so that other women can read and reflect on your personal experiences and stories.

Here are some of our top blog posts in the EmpowHER community this week.

Five Symptoms of an Eating Disorder That Cannot Be Ignored

Via Pexels

From the blog: “Eating disorders are a serious psychological condition that affects millions of people each year. Most people associate eating disorders with younger girls, but everyone can develop an eating disorder at any point in their life. Eating disorders have the ability to ruin the health of an individual along with all of their personal relationships. Someone with an eating disorder will do everything in their power to hide their problem, so you must look out for these five symptoms if you believe a loved one is suffering from a serious problem.”

What Do Sharks and Breast Cancer Have in Common?

Via Pixabays

From the blog: “What do sharks and breast cancer have in common besides being the title of my blog? Some sharks get aggressive and will attack a human instead of eating a seal or other fish. Why? Who knows but evidently seals and humans look alike to sharks. Or it is the luck of the draw that some poor soul happens to be in the water the same time a shark is really hungry?

Our body is composed of many cells. All it takes is one cell to mutate to form cancer. Why? Who knows but sometimes environmental, or heredity influence the mutation. Or is it just the luck of the draw that one crazy cell goes haywire and mutates to cause breast cancer?”

Implants, Bridges and Dentures – Your Tooth Replacement Options

Via Pixabay

From the blog: “Have you lost a tooth or two? How did it make you feel? Did you know that there are options available to replace the tooth you lost?

Cavities, gum disease, injury or age can be some of the reasons why one would be missing a tooth or two. This could be embarrassing and may cause you difficulty speaking and chewing and in the long run may affect both your confidence and general wellbeing. Why suffer when you can do something about it and below are the options.”

How to Lose Weight Intelligently

Via Pixels

From the blog: :"“Maintaining a healthy weight can be difficult, on the other hand shedding your weight is even tougher. Are you desperate about reducing your weight and your diet doesn't work for it? You have to develop a healthier relationship with food that helps you to lose weight considerably.

Losing your weight in a healthy way is more important than slimming your hips or losing a chin. It would really be a crying shame if you worked so hard to shed a few pounds and couldn't achieve it, or you just gained the weight back when you go back to your “normal” diet. Living on almonds and bottled water may help you lose weight, but it’s obviously not sustainable and will spoil your health. Your body needs all three major categories to function.”

To share your story, visit our community