Five toxic chemicals have been found to be linked to cancer, sexual difficulties and behavioral problems. These five toxic chemicals are bisphenol A (BPA), phthalates, perfluorooctanoicacid (PFOA), formaldehyde and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PDBEs). They're not just in our homes, they're inside us.

"We encounter them every day -- in plastic bottles, storage containers, food wrap, cans, cookware, appliances, carpets, shower curtains, clothes, personal care products, furniture, television sets, electronics, bedding, cushions and mattresses. In short, every room in almost every house in the United States is likely to contain at least one of these chemicals, many of which did not exist a century ago."

Bisphenol A is in polycarbonate plastic and epoxy resins. We eat and drink from containers containing BPA. It's in dental sealants. According to the CDC, 93 percent of those tested have it in their urine. It's in fetuses in the womb.

Phthalates soften plastic and bind chemicals. Phthalates are in personal care products, drugs, food, water and dust. Fetuses in the womb are exposed.

Perfluorooctanoicacid is in non-stick coating, clothing, furniture and carpets.

Formaldehyde is in pressed wood products, glues and adhesives, and some fabrics.

Polybrominated diethyl ethers are in computers, televisions, wire insulation and furniture foam.