I have a question for you. What is health? Have you ever stopped to think about it?

Generally when we have health we don’t tend to give it much thought. It is when we (or someone we love) have a health scare or diagnosis then we often recognize that we have taken our health for granted.

The question "What is health?" is actually quite controversial in medical circles today. The World Health Organization (WHO), a respected authority on health issues globally, defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

This definition has not been updated since 1948 and draws criticism for its vague terminology. Critics of the definition assert that health is more than complete wellbeing or just absence of disease.

Actually one of my favorite definitions of health comes from the business dictionary. This dictionary says, “health is a dynamic condition resulting from a body's constant adjustment and adaption in response to stresses and changes in the environment for maintaining an inner equilibrium called homeostasis."

Regardless of how the medical community defines health, I find in my practice that the most important definition of health is the one the patient holds. In order for any one of us to “be healthy” we must define what health is for ourselves. My responsibility as a doctor is to understand my patients definition of health and help them achieve it.

One of the best parts of my practice is working with my patients to educate and empower them about how to eliminate their health imbalance from diabetes reversal, hormonal imbalances or weight loss.

However the best part of my work is when I am able to exceed my patients expectations about what health is and help them create a new and better answer to the question – What is health?

Live Vibrantly,
Dr. Dae
Dr. Daemon Jones

Dr. Dae's website: www.HealthyDaes.org

Dr. Dae's Bio:
Dr. Daemon Jones is your diabetes reversal, hormones, metabolism and weight loss expert. Dr. Dae naturopathic doctor who treats patients all over the country using Skype and phone visits, visit her or schedule a free consultation at her website, www.HealthyDaes.org


"WHO definition of Health." World Health Organization. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 June 2013.

"What Is Health? What Does Good Health Mean?." Medical News Today: Health News. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 June 2013.

"What is health? definition and meaning." BusinessDictionary.com - Online Business Dictionary. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 June 2013.

Reviewed June 18, 2013
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith