American women are twice as likely to die during childbirth than Canadian women.

According to a new survey done by the United Nations, women in the United States have twice the likelihood of dying from pregnancy related complications. For every 100,000 pregnancy in the US, there are 14 deaths compared to just 7 deaths for the same number in Canada.
Daily Mail
FOX News

Women are less likely to panic when their non-invasive breast tumor is not referred to as ‘cancer.’

When doctors talk about abnormal breast cells without using the word ‘cancer,’ women are less likely to use aggressive measures against non-invasive tumors or panic, according to an Australian survey. The study found that when the word cancer is avoided, women are less likely to be over-treated.
FOX News
Northern Californian

Drinking one energy drink can raise your blood pressure and your stress hormones.

According to a small, new study published in the JAMA journal conducted by Mayo Clinic, drinking just one energy drink raises both blood pressure and stress hormones. The study looked at 25 different adults who were given an energy drink one day and then a placebo drink another, and found that those who were given an energy drink had increased blood pressure twice as much as those who drank the placebo.
Huffington Post Canada

High cholesterol may soon be preventable using a vaccination.

A new early-stage vaccination from the University of New Mexico and the National Institutes of Health may be able to prevent high cholesterol. The vaccine is showing good results thus far when tested in monkeys and mice, and those involved hope it will one day be able to prevent cholesterol-related illness.
Medical News Today

Having normal weight but excess belly fat is more dangerous for your health than being overweight.

A new study from the Annals of Internal Medicine journal reports that those who weigh a regular weight but have excess fat in their middle area are more at risk for death than those who are overweight with more regular fat distribution. The study observed approximately 15,000 adults for fourteen years, and it was found those with a normal BMI but with more middle fat had a higher risk for death than those who were overweight.
Daily Mail