Married patients recover better after heart surgery than single patients, study says.

According to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, married people are more likely to heal better than those who are divorced or single. The study examined approximately 1,500 adults who underwent heart surgery, and found that those who were not married had an increased chance of complications or even death by 40 percent in comparison to those with partners.
ABC News

A new study says that measuring a pregnant woman’s cervix length may be a more accurate way to predict due dates.

The accuracy of due dates for pregnant women could be improved with the measurement of the length of their cervix via ultrasound, according to new study in BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. The study looked at 735 pregnant women with babies who had their head positioned downwards. Based on the study, it was found that those whose cervix measured at 30 mm or more by her due date, the woman would have a less than 50 percent chance of giving birth that week. When the woman’s cervix measured 10 mm or less on her due date, she had an 85 percent chance of giving birth that week.
Latino Health

Women who stop breastfeeding because of pain or lack of nursing by the baby are more likely to develop postpartum depression.

A new European study from Wales that surveyed approximately 500 new mothers found that those who gave up breast feeding due to pain or difficulty to get baby nursing are more likely to experience post-partum depression than those who continued breast feeding. The study used the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) to get their results, and it was shown that the longer breastfeeding occurred the less depressed the mother appeared to be according to the scale.
Fox News
Express UK

For the first time, black women and white women are being diagnosed with breast cancer at the same rate.

The risk for breast cancer was traditionally higher for white women, but according to a new report from the American Cancer Society, both black and white women are getting breast cancer at the same rate. Although black women have the same risk for cancer as white women, they have the highest rates of death from breast cancer..
Fox News

Women have an equal risk for heart attack as men, but are not being warned about the risks says new study.

According to two new studies published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, women have the same or greater risk for heart disease compared to men, but are not as likely to be told about the risk for heart attack by the doctor. The first study looked at approximately 3,500 heart attack cases with patients who were aged 18 to 55 in the United States in Spain. Of the patients, two thirds of the cases were women.
Washington Post
FOX News