Women are known as the caretakers of the world. We are wives, mothers and daughters who take care of our husbands, our children and our parents. We take care of extended family and friends, and even donate time to care for strangers through non-profits causes we hold dear. Many depend on us. But, when is the last time you did something just for you? How do you take the time for YOU so that you’re able to be there for others?

Most of us wake up, open our eyes, get out of bed and immediately jump into the problem solving of the day. When it comes to taking care of or doing something for ourselves, in all of our busy-ness, too often we say, “I don’t have time to do that!” We set goals to exercise, eat right, or do something that we love to do, yet many times we fall short because we’re too busy taking care of someone or something else.

Funny thing is, two of the most inspirational and productive people who ever lived- Pope John Paul II and Mother Teresa, took 3 to 4 hours each day to meditate, pray and reconnect. Most of us would say that we don’t have the luxury of taking fifteen minutes for ourselves daily, yet these two amazing individuals accomplished great things in the world because they first made the time for themselves. 

When we take the time to reconnect, it guides our footsteps and we seem to walk an easier path. Doors open, mountains move and things that once looked impossible become possible. And the only thing that changed was us- because we filled our own cup first.

When we take care of our mind, our body and our spirit, the rest of life lines up perfectly.

When we wake, our minds are a blank slate. We have the opportunity to choose what thoughts we want to put in them each and every day. Think about that. Rather than hectic or frantic thoughts of our “to do” list, fill your mind with inspiration. It’s so easy to allow life and other things to become more important than what really matters. By consciously choosing to focus on things that inspire us, we are choosing a richer life. 

Each morning our bodies, like our minds, need fuel. Here’s an example from my own life. On the days that I take the time for me, nourish myself with healthy foods, drink plenty of water and get moving, my whole day rocks. When I don’t think I have time to go to the gym, I find that by making time, I then have more time and energy throughout the day.

I also take time each morning to connect to the Divine, God, The Universe or whatever name you choose. It’s like tapping into some amazing energy force that helps me to remember who I really am. 

In this way, taking time for you isn’t selfish, but rather a requirement for a balanced, happy life. So when you rise tomorrow morning, remember that you matter. Make yourself a priority and fill your cup first. Fill your mind with inspiration, take care of your body and take the time to connect to the Divine through meditation, prayer or your own personal way.

When you are aligned from within, your life will unfold in more magical ways than you could have ever predicted. Try it, be gentle with yourself, and allow yourself the time to take care of you, because YOU matter!