I can’t say enough about Zumba classes. I love them. I am drawn to this workout that doesn’t feel like a workout. The classes are, of course, work. You sweat, your heart pounds through your tight sports bra, and you want to lick the inside of your water bottle to get every last drop because you are so thirsty but still, you are having so much fun that you forget to watch the clock. The classes have an energy, a vibe, an excitement that is sparked by the instructor and fueled by the participants.

And then I found Zumba Toning classes. This is a class that incorporates dance moves and uses weights to focus on toning certain body muscles, all set to energetic music. One minute you are dancing and moving to a latin tune and the next song, you are holding weights and squatting for the duration of another song that has the lyrics that scream at you “Get It Low, Girl!” The intensity is turned up a notch, yet still a very fun class.

The Zumba class is like a big melting pot. There are women (and I only say that because there hasn’t been any men so far in any of the classes that I have taken) of all ages and sizes. But we all have one thing in common. In this large mirrored room, every woman in class is smiling as the music begins. It doesn’t matter if some of us can’t roll our hips, or dance to the beat. We are all having a good time as we exercise. The instruction is always the same, just keep your feet moving and have fun.

There is really nothing more that I could ask for in a workout. I walk out of class feeling tired and energized all at the same time. I hum the songs long after I have left the workout. I look forward to my next class. Now that’s a good workout.