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can she have her period 5 days after plan b

By Anonymous August 18, 2017 - 2:44pm
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on Sunday 13, me and my girlfriend had some naked grinding going on and immediately afterward I fingered her. At no point whatsoever did I ejaculate. Also, by this point she was three days late on her period ( not because she was pregnant, no sexual acts had occurred before this).

However, I panicked because of pre cM and she had a plan b( around 4 hours later) just to ease my mind. Now, ( 5 days later) on Friday 18th august, she said that she has some of her symptoms which she always goes through before having her period, ( she's also spotting since Thursday 17th august). is it possible that she will get her period now, 5 days after the sexual act and taking in the plan b (As she might have gotten the period she was meant to have before, which was late.)? Also, if it is not her period, but only some heavy bleeding caused by the plan B, does it mean that she is 100% not going to get pregnant. Or is there even a smaller chance of her getting pregnant?

Facts About her period and Cycle:

Cycle lasts about 27 days
However she is usually irregular
last period was on july 13th

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Hello, Anon.

Thank you for writing.

Your girlfriend did not need to take plan b. It's supposed to be used for emergencies only. She did not have unprotected intercourse, no ejaculation occurred inside her. For all intents and purposes, this is how pregnancy happens. Pre-ejaculate fluid in itself does not contain sperm. Spem can be picked up the urethra if a man has not urinated since ejaculation. But once he urinates, any sperm would be flushed out. So, it’s very unlikely to become pregnant from pre-ejaculate.
I can't predict when your girlfriend will have her period. Withdrawal bleeding can happen 2-7 days after the ECP, but not all women have this bleeding. It can cause irregularity as well, so if your girlfriends period is further delayed, this is why. Information comes with this medication and should have been read so she knows what to expect.


August 19, 2017 - 4:15am
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