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I am 38 years old w/3 kids. My right leg bothers me at the end of the day. Mild pain, but bothersome.

By Anonymous April 19, 2009 - 11:40am
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Stay home mom. I don't sit down much at all during the day unless I am in bed at night, resting or sleeping. The pain begins above mid-leg & sometimes goes up into my right buttocks. I only take Advil once in a while at bed time. I hold my toddler on my right side, as I did with all my babies. Could this by why or is it more serious? I don't regularly take multi-vitamins and my diet is so-so. I have been on thyroid medication for several years.


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Hey, Anon. So sorry you're dealing with this.

How long have you been feeling this pain? Has it been an ongoing thing for some time now, or did it develop recently?

(And if the answer is that it developed recently, can you think of anything else that might have changed around that time?)

I actually had pain very similar to yours for a while, but I work at a computer all day and so I sit much more than you do. However, the symptoms sound the same, and the area of pain sounds the same.

Have you ever heard of the sciatic nerve, or sciatica?

Here's an illustration of where that nerve runs:


The sciatic nerve actually begins in your lower back, moves down through your buttocks and down the back of your leg. So the problem can actually start in your back and not necessarily your leg. Also, the pain can stop where yours does or travel further down the leg as well.

Do you have lower back pain? (I'm guessing that after carrying three babies around, it's most likely you do!) Do you ever have tingly sensations or numbness? It's possible that you have a compressed or herniated disc or a pinched nerve that's giving you trouble. When you take the Advil, does it help?

Here's our EmpowHer encyclopedia page on Sciatica, its causes, symptoms and treatments:


Does this sound like it could be what's bothering you?

April 28, 2009 - 8:31am

Hi Shilpa,

I'm glad you found EmpowHer, let's see what information we can find for you.

Can you describe the pain in more detail? For instance, would you describe it as stabbing, burning, needles, aching, pinching or other?

Where in your right leg is the pain? Front, back, sides, knee, thigh, hip, calf, shin, all or none of these? Is it a pain that feels like it travels up and down, or is it a consistent/steady pain in one area? (You said, "The pain begins above mid-leg & sometimes goes up into my right buttocks"). Does mid-leg include your knee, or is it your thigh or hamstring (meaning, front or back of leg?).

Is it pain from muscle, or does it feel more like its a nerve pain, or from a joint?

I have a toddler, too, and have had a few issues with the repetitive-motion injuries (mine was not my leg, but my wrist from the way I was holding him). I had to go to physical therapy and wear a wrist brace for a few months at night, and now I have no more pain (I could not even pick up a milk carton, the pain was so bad). My over-use injury was, deQuervain's tendonitis, and I wrote about it last year at the link above, if you're curious).

I hope to hear back from you soon, and I will see what information I can find for you regarding your leg pain.

April 19, 2009 - 1:39pm
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Anonymous (reply to Alison Beaver)

Hi Alison,

Thanks for your help so far. My pain is just an aching pain. It's in the back of my leg, and it's a steady pain that seems to come from the muscle. I feel it in the buttocks once in a while. But when it's in my right leg & goes above, it remains achy all night, until the Advil kicks in.

I found out recently I am very low on Vitamin D (since I asked to be checked), but I'm not sure if that has any bearing on my leg pain. I am also due for a more complete blood-work soon (just standard after my annual exam).


April 27, 2009 - 10:27am
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