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Pain radiating from neck to hand

By Anonymous June 29, 2011 - 4:01pm
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I have been dealing with pain radiating from neck through collar bone through shoulder, arm, elbow and wrist into the fingers. I have had MRIs and EMGs with little or no information other than some cervical degeneration and mild carpal tunnel. I have had carpal tunnel surgery and lateral epicondylitis surgery for relief. I am still in pain. What other tests can I do to detect my problem or am I just going to have to live with this?

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Sorry to hear that you have yet to find a solution to your ongoing pain. You do not have to live with this.

Just a few questions: How long has this been going on? What is being done to treat your pain? Does anything alleviate the pain? Are you being diagnosed & treated by one physician or have you sought second and third opinions? Is your physician a specialist? Have you been referred to a neurologist or pain specialist? Have you ever considered alternative therapies?

Sometimes it takes more than one set of eyes and ears to get to the root of a medical problem. If you haven't already, get a second and even third opinion. Bring someone you trust with you to your appointments to write down information and ask questions that you may not think to ask. Don't give up!

I hope this helps.

Crystal Fornes, NP, RN
Founder, Health Advocate

June 29, 2011 - 5:15pm
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Anonymous (reply to cfornes)

I started with a neurologist whom suggested the carpal tunnel surgery. 3 months later, my elbow and wrist hurt. I saw an orthopedic surgeon who performed lateral epicondylitis surgery. Since than, my symptoms have gone from the hand and elbow all the way up my arm to my neck (right side only). I've had many opinions from neurologists and orthopedic professionals. Since there is no evidence on an MRI (c-spine and shoulder) they are unsure how to treat. I did endure 3-4 weeks of MacKenzie Therapy which helped very little. After receiving my EMG results today, I broke down in tears. Mild carpal tunnel which may have improved since my last EMG was the prognosis. How on earth can he determine that I've improved since my last EMG when I feel worse? I am completely out of options and unable to work as a bookkeeper any longer.

June 29, 2011 - 8:34pm
(reply to Anonymous)

Here is the link that works: http://www.webmd.com/pain-management/doctors-who-treat-pain

June 30, 2011 - 6:01am
(reply to Anonymous)

My advice to you is not to give up. If you haven't already, try to find someone who specializes in pain management even if this means traveling outside of your local area. This link may be helpful: http://www.webmd.com/pain-management/docts-who-treat-pain. If you have a primary care provider, ask him or her for a referral.

Best of luck to you,

June 30, 2011 - 5:59am

I am sorry to hear that the surgeries have not provided relief for the pain. I can only suggest that you get a second opinion from a neurologist or physiatrist.

June 29, 2011 - 4:21pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Maryann Gromisch RN)

Is a physiatrist the same as a neurophysiologist? Thanks so much for your reply!

June 29, 2011 - 8:35pm
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