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Progesterone Injections to Prevent Pre-Term Delivery?

By March 13, 2008 - 2:03pm
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Okay--I have a personal question that I would love input on!

I was talking with my new OB/GYN today about having a second child (not for 1-2 years...I'm a planner!!!), and since my first delivery was 2 months pre-term, I was told that any subsequent pregnancies will be "high risk",and basically, I told my new doc. that I wanted to know what I was in for.

The M.D. said that there have been studies showing that progesterone injections (I think she said progesterone?) weekly during pregnancy, for women with a history of pre-term delivery, has reduced the number of pre-term deliveries (and, I assume, has lead to healthier babies and less-terrified moms).

Has anyone heard of this, or received these injections? I would love more information about this!

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EmpowHER Guest

Yes, I'm currently taking 17 P progesterone injections. Depending on your insurance, they start anywhere from 16 to 21 weeks. I am now 35 weeks pregnant today, and my last child was born at 33 weeks. It seems to be working really well without any side effects.

December 1, 2012 - 10:08pm
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