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Why am I spotting

By Anonymous September 30, 2015 - 10:37am
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I had sex Sunday unprotected and then again that Thursday. During sex there was blood and spotting after. Then it stopped. No pain during or after. Now it's been a week and I took a test two days ago. It was negative. I have been hot, with headaches. Could a be pregnant or is something wrong?

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Hi Anon,

Thank you for sharing your question with the EmpowHER community.

Anytime you engage in unprotected sex, you risk becoming pregnant.

Vaginal bleeding may occur during or after sexual intercourse for a number of reasons including:

  1. Injuries to the vaginal wall
  2. Infections (for example, gonorrhea, Chlamydia, yeast infections) 
  3. Lowered estrogen levels
  4. Anatomical lesions, such as tumors or polyps on the cervix or vaginal wall 

Best thing to do is to pay your doctor a visit to make sure everything is okay.

I hope this helps.

Be well,


September 30, 2015 - 2:56pm
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