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What Do You Say To A Woman Who Is Afraid To Seek Help For Drug Addiction? - Dr. Pohl (VIDEO)

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What Do You Say To A Woman Who Is Afraid To Seek Help For Drug Addiction?  - Dr. Pohl (VIDEO)
What Do You Say To A Woman Who Is Afraid To Seek Help For Drug Addiction? - ...
14 of 30 : Current video

Dr. Pohl shares advice for women who fear seeking help to treat their drug addiction.

Dr. Pohl:
One of the major obstacles for a woman to get help is shame. “I shouldn’t be this way. I should be stronger. This is something that I need to hide.” And that, that shame, that secretiveness is the enemy of recovery.

So the first step in really getting better, if addiction is the issue, is to tell the truth. The fearful, you know, take the courage and really go to the point of saying, “Here is what I drink. Here is what I am using. Here is how I feel when I do it. It happens on this level of basis, and that makes me concerned about myself.”

About Dr. Mel Pohl, M.D.:
Dr. Mel Pohl, M.D., is a Board Certified Family Practitioner. He is the Vice President of Medical Affairs and the Medical Director at the Las Vegas Recovery Center (LVRC), the only private, freestanding, medically managed inpatient detoxification and addiction treatment facility in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Visit Dr. Pohl at the Las Vegas Recovery Center

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