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Women that are dating younger men Join this Group

I think I'm ripe for a serious relationship

By May 14, 2024 - 12:24pm

I think I'm ripe for a serious relationship. Everyone in my environment has couples and I am still single. My friends decided to help me and registered me on dating.com . At first I was angry and I was mad at my friends because they created this profile without my permission. But then I saw how many beauties want to communicate with me, I changed my mind and even thanked my friends. Now I am in a relationship, again, thanks to this site. So everything worked out 10 out of 10!

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I wanted to create a group for women like me that are dating/engaged/married to men that are younger than we are. I am 30 and my boyfriend is 25. I have heard so much ridicule and criticism over my choice to be with someone so much younger and less mature than I am. He makes me happy and I should be the one to decide who is or isn't right for me. If there are any of you out there that feel the same way, or want to talk to women with similar lives, this is the place for you! Welcome!


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