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Is it Possible to Get Rid of Stretch Marks?

By HERWriter Guide
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As our bodies change, stretch marks appear and may disappear– and handling these changes is anything but effortless. It can be easy to let these marks make us feel self-conscious or affect how we view our health.

Often considered a nuisance or embarrassment, stretch marks can affect anyone of any age, but mainly those undergoing weight loss, pregnancy, or other lifestyle changes.

Have you ever wondered why stretch marks appear, and how you can make them go away?

Stretch marks often appear as rather skinny lines on your skin, bearing a different color and texture from your normal skin. They are caused, as their name suggests, by stretching, and normally occur after a sudden change in weight. Sometimes stretch marks feel like an indentation on your skin, and can be itchy or uncomfortable. They are not dangerous, and over time, may fade.

Our skin is composed of three main layers – the epidermis (outer layer), the dermis (middle layer), and the subcutaneous or hypodermis (the bottom layer). The connecting fibers of the dermis often stretch slowly when the body grows. When the dermis’ connective tissue stretches past normal elasticity and those fibers rip and tear, the deeper layers of skin become visible and stretch marks form.

What causes stretch marks?

Causes of stretch marks are usually linked to the following:

1. Pregnancy.

Pregnant women often get stretch marks, as their skin is being physically stretched and there is a rise in hormones such as cortisone. It is thought that cortisone weakens the elastic fibers in the skin. Stretch marks typically occur during later stages of pregnancy while a baby grows and the abdomen expands to hold it.

2. Weigh gain and muscle growth.

Weight gain can also potentially lead to stretch marks, as substantial weight gain will stretch the skin. Increased muscle mass over a short period of time can cause the same.

3. Puberty

Stretch marks are likely to happen to everyone, even adolescents who experience growth spurts. As adolescents’ bodies grow suddenly, stretch marks may appear on skin.

4. Medications with cortisone.

Medication use, such as specific lotions and pills that contain cortisone, can cause stretch marks to appear for some. The hormone cortisone is produced naturally by the adrenal glands, but when your body has too much of it, skin can lose its elasticity and stretch.

5. Certain medical conditions

In some cases, stretch marks may be a symptom of conditions like Marfan syndrome and Cushing’s syndrome. Cushing’s syndrome overproduces the hormone cortisol, weakening the skin. Marfan syndrome works similarly, as a defective gene diminishes the body’s connective tissue, leading to stretch marks.

Can you get rid of stretch marks?

To reduce stretch marks from occurring, there are a few things you can do. Keeping your weight at a consistent level, without sudden gains or losses, is a good first step. Exercising regularly can help maintain that consistent weight. During pregnancy, when weight is harder to monitor, make sure to talk to your doctor about how much weight gain is healthy and safe. To help the appearance of stretch marks, oils and lotions are also available. One such option is Bio-Oil®.

Bio-Oil® is a dermatologist-recommended skincare oil that helps prevent the formation and improve the appearance of existing stretch marks formed by teenage growth spurts, pregnancy, or periods of quick weight gain.

When you keep skin moisturized and ensure it maintains elasticity, it helps reduce the formation of stretch marks. Bio-Oil® heals and hydrates skin.

As the United States’ original tissue oil, Bio-Oil® promotes skin healing with therapeutic ingredients like botanical extracts, and Vitamins A and E. The combination of those vitamins promotes the form of new collagen, which has regenerative effects and improves elasticity. Vitamin E also improves the moisture of the epidermis (the outer layer of the skin), improves the skin’s tone and texture, and minimizes itchiness from stretching skin.

Bio-Oil® has a light, non-greasy texture and absorbs quicker than many lotions and creams. While it’s usually more effective to treat newer stretch marks, Bio-Oil® can also improve the appearance of older marks if used regularly. Use the oil twice daily for 3 months to see best results.

Do you have stretch marks and are trying to improve the overall appearance of them? You might want to consider Bio-Oil®. To learn more, visit: http://bio-oilusa.com/en-us/

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