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How Is Scoliosis Treated? - Dr. Kam Raiszadeh (VIDEO)

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Dr. Raiszadeh explains the treatments for scoliosis.

Dr. Raiszadeh:
It’s treated in the younger ages, like I was mentioning, during that, during that growth spurt if it is progressing, with bracing. Once one is older and skeletally mature, which occurs after adolescence, then you can’t brace that.

The best thing to do is to keep the function by keeping the core muscles strong to stabilize whatever curvature that spine does have, and then if it does progress too far, the best way to stabilize it is to put screws and rods essentially to hold the spine in the position so it doesn’t veer off.

About Dr. Raiszadeh, M.D.:
Kam Raiszadeh, MD, serves as medical director of the Advanced Spine Institute & Minimally Invasive Spine Center at Alvarado Hospital. Dr. Raiszadeh is board certified by the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery and an active member of the Scoliosis Research Society and North American Spine Society.



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