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Are American Workers Getting Enough Sleep? - HER Daily Dose

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More Videos from Bailey Mosier 30 videos in this series

In this edition of EmpowHER's "HER Daily Dose" Bailey Mosier examines a study that claims that American workers are not getting enough rest throughout the night.

Hi, I’m Bailey Mosier. This is your EmpowHER HER Daily Dose.
The National Sleep Foundation recommends that adults get seven to nine hours of sleep per night, but recent numbers estimate 41 million workers in the U.S. aren't getting enough rest.

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health found that many American workers get fewer than six hours of sleep each night, including those who work night shifts or those who work more than one job or more than 40 hours a week. Workers who don't get enough sleep are more likely to get injured on the job and make mistakes that could injure themselves and their co-workers.

If you can, try going to sleep the same time every day, keep your bedroom quiet and dark and use the bed for sleep, not for reading or watching TV. It’s important we all get plenty of rest because over time, insufficient sleep can affect overall health, resulting in cardiovascular problems, obesity, diabetes and depression.

That wraps up your EmpowHER HER Daily Dose. Join me here at EmpowHER.com every weekday for your next dose of women’s health.

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