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General discussion

By EmpowHER February 9, 2008 - 10:00pm
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Many times, women with ovarian cancer have no symptoms or just mild symptoms and the condition advances to the point where it becomes difficult to treat. Share your stories and inspire women who may have the condition.

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I met a woman this morning who suddenly felt overheated in a chilly air conditioned room. I was wearing a summer weight cotton sweater and felt comfortable, if not a little cold. She confided in me that, ever since her hysterectomy as a result of ovarian cancer, she's having a terrible time adjusting to all the hormonal changes in her body, for which she can't take any medication. She said she feels so desperate that she's going to try acupuncture.

This made me wonder: has acupuncture worked for anyone suffering menopause-like symptoms?

March 20, 2008 - 6:25pm
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