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Help switching off the Combi-Patch

By Anonymous February 10, 2015 - 9:28am
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Hi, I've been on the Combi-Patch for five years and need to discontinue it. (I took it for night sweats.) My doctor told me to just take it off and suffer, basically. I've gotten recommendations to take Ashwaganda, Estrovera, or Bezwecken OstaDerm. I saw that some people were taking the Ashwaganda and the Estovera together too. My main worry is transitioning off and then, not taking anything that's going to be just as dangerous as HRT. Plus, I worry my mood will be awful when the estrogen drops suddenly. Good times ....

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Hello Anonymous,

Welcome to the EmpowHER community. I cannot recommend treatment for night sweats or the other symptoms associated with menopause. However, I can suggest you visit this website's Night Sweats Treatments page:
in particular, this article, Alternative Ways to Deal with Menopause Symptoms


February 10, 2015 - 10:51am
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