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my mom needs to undergo an operation to cut wider her urinary passage which otherwise will require her to maintain a catheter, please advise

By Anonymous February 13, 2010 - 7:33am
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gallstone operation led to 20+ days in bed because of effects of anaesthesia, then bleeding occured in the anus because of ulcers in transverse colon which led to colonoscopy. Getting healed through medicines, ianbility to urinate followed that required a catheter. Also ianbility to walk is stii the present predicament. Until another endoscopic surgery, we are told my mom can't go home without the catheter.

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EmpowHER Guest

Thank you for your post. I am really sorry that your Mother is going through so many surgeries. Are you presenting a question regarding the procedures that your Mom is going through? If so, could you be more specific as to what your question is so we may be able to assist you?

February 13, 2010 - 10:02am
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