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no sex drive

By August 24, 2010 - 1:44am
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Im glad im not the only one that is also having this problem. My boyfriend thinks Im going crazy because Im always saying ITS NOT ME ITS THE MIRENA!!!! Like everyone else I love the face that my periods are so light that I really dont even have to worry about them anymore..but my realtionship with my boyfriend of a year and a half is going down the drain. Im 21 years old and Ive had the mirena for almost a year now. Before I got the Mirena placed I had the biggest attraction to my boyfriend..and now...its like we are good friends because when we do have sex its pretty much just so I can make him happy. I dont know what to do about this..Im going to the Gyno on Wednesday and Im going to talk to her about it and I will let all of you know what she tells me..because I dont know about you but I like the fact that I dont have to worry about taking a pill everyday and barley any periods! Ohh and one more thing...is any of you girls having a unusal milky white disscharge that wont go away? Let me know because this Mirena is getting really troublsome!! THANK YOU!

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One additional question for you:
Does your milky white discharge change throughout your cycle?

Women are supposed to have discharge---it is cervical mucus or vaginal secretions--that are healthy.

August 24, 2010 - 2:39pm
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