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Period Irregularity?

By January 19, 2012 - 4:12pm
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I am familiar with some of the possible reasons for period irregularity however I am not sure what to think of my current situation as it seems a bit unique. I normally begin my period the last week of the month. Last month on started on the last DAY of the month into the first week of January so I was later than normal. Then after my period was over, some days later I began bleeding, very dark red, for a few days, almost like a second period. Then just now, I started to bleed again. Not sure if it's spotting or another period but early this time in stead of late? I have made an appointment with my GYN but she couldn't fit me in before next Thursday. Any ideas? I have been under a great deal of stress, perhaps more than ever before, but I would think there is more to it than that. Please let me know your thoughts..

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An examination by your gynecologist is the best way to find the cause of your bleeding between periods.

How old are you? The changes in hormone levels associated with perimenopause is one cause of irregular periods. Some women enter perimenopause as early as age 40.

Other possibilities could be uterine fibroids, cervical or uterine polyps and hypothyroidism.

Please keep us posted on the findings from your appointment.


January 19, 2012 - 5:26pm
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