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Seeking Serenity: Women's New Ally Against Menopause Symptoms

By May 6, 2024 - 2:40am

Navigating through the waves of menopause, with its notorious hot flashes and night sweats, mood swings, and sleep disturbances, can be quite the challenge for many women. Amidst the search for relief, a growing number say they've found a surprising source of comfort—cannabis.

A Green Wave Of Relief

Recent survey findings suggest an eye-opening trend: almost 80% of midlife women are embracing cannabis to help manage the often vexing symptoms associated with menopause. What's driving this green wave? For many, it's the quest to find a natural grounding point amidst the hormonal roller coaster of perimenopause and menopause.

The Appeal Of Cannabis During Menopause

When the traditional go-to treatments for menopause symptoms come up short for some women, or when looking for options beyond hormone therapy, it's not unusual to turn to natural alternatives. This is where cannabis steps onto the scene as a beacon of hope for relief.

As states across the U.S. increasingly legalize marijuana for medical and recreational use, its accessibility has gone up, along with its appeal. Women find ease in the fact that they can obtain cannabis without a prescription, and its use, both socially and medically, is becoming more normalized. For many, the plant provides acute relief for symptoms like sleep disturbances and anxiety, which are often exacerbated during the midlife transition.

The Heart Of Assistance

The Cannabis Clinics are playing a pivotal role in the narrative. As sanctuaries of knowledge and guidance, they extend their expertise to women seeking alternative symptom management during menopause. These clinics provide a welcoming space where women can learn about incorporating cannabis into their wellness routine responsibly and effectively.

Embracing Cannabis: A Look At The Numbers

In a Harvard-led survey, an overwhelming majority of respondents confirmed they currently use cannabis, with many citing medical reasons related to menopause. Sleep problems and mood dysregulation were among the top issues addressed by cannabis, with significant positive feedback from users. While perimenopausal women reported more severe symptoms and consequently a higher use of cannabis to cope with these challenges, both perimenopausal and postmenopausal women acknowledged the same healthful qualities of the plant.

A Soothing Balm For The Mind

With sleep and anxiety closely linked, it's understandable why women at this stage of life might seek the calming effects of cannabis. Dr. Heather Hirsch, head of the Menopause and Midlife Clinic at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women's Hospital, reports that cannabis likely aids these symptoms by "dimming the prefrontal cortex"—the part of the brain where decisions are made, and worries often amplify.

Growing Acceptance And Positive Outlook

It's a promising time for women exploring new possibilities in managing menopause symptoms. As awareness grows and the use of cannabis gains traction in this new context, women are discovering a companion in cannabis that harmonizes with their bodies' changing rhythms. With the confluence of cultural acceptance and anecdotal success, the perspective on cannabis for menopausal symptom relief is shifting positively. This blooming interest underscores a burgeoning rapport between natural wellness solutions and women's health in the 21st century.

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