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Leigh Ann Shares The PMS Symptoms She Experiences (VIDEO)

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Leigh Ann describes the PMS symptoms she commonly experiences.

Leigh Ann:
Well, before I started taking the birth control I had cramps, like most people do have cramps, but that physically, I don’t have them anymore because of that, but I do have extreme fatigue. Like, I’ll just be like, I have to go sleep. I have to go home and go sleep right now, or I am just a zombie throughout the day.

And most of my symptoms are emotional. Like last week I was at work and I was just angry because of little things, like something would just make me so angry I would just, and I am not, I don’t, I am very mellow person. And, you know, or if someone would say something that would be like flippant or something, and I would just break down and cry, and I usually don’t do that. I am usually pretty steady and can roll with the punches, but during my period and before my period I am, it’s like everything is exposed; everything is a raw nerve, and one little thing can set me off.

And so I just want to stay at home in bed all the time, and I crave lots of foods. I just crave food, like I just want to eat constantly, like I can’t ever seem to get full. That’s kind of a, that’s I think I just realized that because I’d be like eating, it’s like usually I don’t eat this much. I usually just have my meal and wait. But it’s like that’s a big driving factor. It’s like, I don’t care what we do; just give me food.

And so those are my, I don’t have the cramps, like I’ll have them briefly for like ten minutes and that’s a mercy because I have had them bad. And I know that every woman has felt that, and it’s horrible, but mine is more the, like I am psychotic. I feel like I am just up and down and like the enraged water buffalo that you see. You know, I am like the stereotypical, she’s got PMS. Don’t get in her way, or don’t say anything. So it can really put a strain on my relationships and my workdays and stuff like that.

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EmpowHER Guest

This is just a general comment about my experience PMDD and birth control:

I tried going on birth control to help with PMDD, and it nearly killed me. The acne, bloating, aches and pains were nothing compared to the emotional toll PMDD took (TAKES) on my life and on the lives of the people who love me. I went on birth control to help keep my hormones in check, but instead, it made it worse.

Please, please, please be careful when you try new medications to control your mood. I know birth control has helped many women to alieviate their symptoms of PMDD, but for this patient, _this_ woman, it made it much worse.

April 16, 2008 - 10:46am
EmpowHER Guest

When my period started on a workday, I would muddle through until I could go home and shut the world out. On the weekends, I would lock myself in my home and not come out. I would sleep for as long as possible and eat everything in sight. I would cancel dates and plans with friends because I did not want to interact with anyone. I wanted to injure anyone who tried to touch me.

I had debilitating PMD. I did not want to be on birth control pills because I had the misconception that it would only mess up my hormones more. The funny thing is that I work in healthcare communications—I had the answers at my fingertips but was too embarrassed to say anything until it was out of control and I had already made a life-altering decision.

Now I am the pill. I feel better.

Thanks for sharing your story.

March 26, 2008 - 6:09am
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