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What You Need To Know About Cervical Cancer - HER Health Minute - Dr. Connie Mariano

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More Videos from Dr. Connie Mariano 30 videos in this series

What You Need To Know About Cervical Cancer - HER Health Minute - Dr. Connie Mariano
What You Need To Know About Cervical Cancer - HER Health Minute - Dr. Connie ...
10 of 30 : Current video

Dr. Connie is back to share with you some tips and advice about what you should know about cervical cancer. Watch the video to find out!

I'm Dr. Connie Mariano, Chief Clinical Officer with EmpowHER, with what you need to know about cervical cancer.

Cervical cancer is the second most common form of cancer in women.

While use of the pap smear test has resulted in a 70% decrease in cervical cancer cases, the test is not 100% accurate. Doctors are working on developing bio-markers which will make the test more accurate.

According to the National Cancer Institute, cervical cancer is almost always caused by the human papillomavirus, or HPV. While HPV usually clears up on its own, untreated infections can lead to cervical cancer. That is why the HPV vaccination is being recommended for young girls.

The good news, cervical cancer is highly treatable, if caught early.

The five year survival rate for women is now around 70%. 90% for women with localized disease. But that number drops to just 16% if the disease has spread.

I'm Dr. Connie Mariano with everything you need to know about cervical cancer.

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