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Alcoholism Recovery: Were You Ever Tempted To Quit Rehab?

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Gail recalls if she ever wanted to quit rehab when trying to get sober.

As far as the treatment center goes I was there two days and I went into a grand mal seizure from alcohol withdrawal.

And I was in, they admitted me in the hospital and everybody said, well she is not coming back, what a perfect excuse.

She has already been here couple of days. She knows what the schedule is. She isn’t going to come back. She is just going to go home.

And you know my attitude even at that time was, bull crap, I am already here, let’s do this deal.

I am willing. I know that this is genetics and I need help and being able to say I need help, you know, it’s all fear.

You know, how can I live life without picking up a drink? How can I have fun? How could I play horseshoes? How can I go to the beach?

How can I do parties in weddings and how can I go through a death without crying in my beer or picking up that toast to drink?

And that’s fear based, and I just want people to know that it’s okay. You can do it. I did it and if I can do it, I am your run-of-the-mill alcoholic and if I can do it and you are willing and you know that you’re done, then you can do it too.

And you can have the life I have today.

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Interview Scheduled By In The Rooms®: A Global Recovery Community.

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