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what is the likelihood of a woman who has only one ovary after hysterectomy many years ago of ovarian cancer?

By Anonymous February 13, 2017 - 4:03am
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I am 76 and have an appointment to see a surgeon for what my GP called lipomas in my tummy, however I have bowel changes in appearance, not any bleeding, pencil shaped stools or loose when I have spent my life having to take tablets to relieve constipation now I don't. My belly is bloated. I can feel lumps and get cramps in my tummy too not colic but cramp as in the leg, I do not jump to conclusions and read about things and have got them all I just would like to have your opinion.

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Hello Anonymous,

Welcome to EmpowHER. Thank you for reaching out to our community with your question and seeking our opinions.

I will provide you with information. I will not offer an opinion because I am not a physician and have the limited information which you provided.

Citing the American Cancer Society, "Both tubal ligation and hysterectomy may reduce the chance of developing ovarian cancer, but experts agree that these operations should only be done for valid medical reasons -- not for their effect on ovarian cancer risk. Removing both ovaries and fallopian tubes (salpingo-oophorectomy) helps protect women with BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations against ovarian (and fallopian tube) cancer.This operation lowers ovarian cancer risk a great deal but does not entirely eliminate it. "

A lipoma is a slow-growing, fatty lump that's most often situated between your skin and the underlying muscle layer. A lipoma, which feels doughy and usually isn't tender, moves readily with slight finger pressure. Lipomas are usually detected in middle age. Some people have more than one lipoma.

A lipoma isn't cancer and usually is harmless.

What do you mean by tummy? Are they in your intestines, stomach or lower abdomen?


February 13, 2017 - 9:09am
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