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Why We Think Going To The Orthodontist Really Bites

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Why We Think Going To The Orthodontist Really Bites  Via Unsplash, Edited by Jordan Haiber

It’s no secret that many of us don’t really enjoy getting dental work done. We all have our reasons, whether it’s because we can’t find time in our busy schedules or due to the anxiety of the waiting room.

When it comes to getting straighter teeth, a more convenient and cheaper option without a visit to the orthodontist does exist thanks to SmileDirectClub.

Instead of forcing us to spend our precious time in the waiting room, SmileDirectClub works around our schedules, making a straighter and brighter smile possible — in a cheaper and more convenient process, all carried out online.

I asked some millennials who’ve had braces in the past what their views on in-office orthodontist visits were, and what they thought about SmileDirectClub.

Here’s what I found out from Madison 21, Jayme 21, Lola 21 and Kira 20.


What are your views on the orthodontist?


Madison: I absolutely hate the orthodontist. It’s scary and such a long process.

Jayme: Mainly that it’s time-consuming and costly.

Lola: When it comes to the orthodontist, the time waiting, and the time it takes are what stand out to me the most.

Kira: Braces were like “cool” at the time I got them for a short period of time, so it was exciting back then.


What do you not like about visiting the orthodontist in person?


Madison: I did not like my orthodontist!

Jayme: I honestly forgot how painful visits could be, especially when they would tighten them. That would hurt so bad.

Lola: The worst part about the visits was the awkwardness that came with it. At the office I went to they had multiple kids lined up at the same time in a row in chairs, and the orthodontists would do work on our teeth. It was awful.

Kira: The visits to the orthodontist quickly made me realize it wasn’t as cool as I thought because there was a lot of pain. Getting food in your braces afterwards was also such a mess.


What are your views on a more convenient and cheaper option like SmileDirectClub?


Madison: I think not having to go to the orthodontist in person would be less stressful and less pressure. I believe you would also feel more comfortable being in control.

Jayme: This is my first time hearing about something like this and it sounds really cool. After learning more about it, I think I would try it. Especially because braces are so unattractive in my opinion.

Lola: SmileDirectClub sounds really cool! I hated having braces and always wished I had clear or invisible braces instead, so SmileDirectClub sounds like a great option.

Kira: SmileDirectClub as an alternative to traditional braces sounds ideal and very practical. I’d like to learn more about their prices and how easily accessible it is when it comes to communication, since it’s all online.

If you’re ready to get a straighter, brighter smile, but are hesitant due to thoughts of visiting the orthodontist in-person, then SmileDirectClub could be a great fit for you. Take the first step to a beautiful smile by taking the free smile assessment.

You can also save 50 percent on your impression kit with our exclusive code for EmpowHER readers: HERSmile.

Reviewed October 27, 2016
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith

Sponsored by: SmileDirectClub

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