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does HRT cause weight gain? can I take HRT if I have only missed one period but I am in menopause not peimenopause?

By Anonymous May 31, 2014 - 12:50pm
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I have recently started to get hot flashes while sleeping and its waking me up at night plus I am getting very weepy and crying and missing my children being young(they are teens)I am feeling anxious and feelings of loss when I have never suffered from depression. Now it is only just started last week and lasted just three days but that three days was hell on earth! I am 54 so I know aim late at this my doc said this process is on late end with me unsure why but please I need help no one i know seems to want to talk about it!

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EmpowHER Guest
Hi Anonymous, Thank you for your question and welcome to Empowher. Every woman reacts differently to HRT so it may or may not cause weight gain. We cannot be sure. I guess the best thing would be to talk to your physician and have frequent checkups to monitor your concerns. I hope this helps. MissieJune 1, 2014 - 6:19am
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