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How can we help those who suffer from depression?

By Blogger August 11, 2014 - 4:43pm
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Robin Williams died at age 63 - suicide was suspected as the cause of death, although nothing has been confirmed. It was reported that the actor was suffering from depression. It makes me think... how can we help those with depression? Do you think this could have been avoided? I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts around this.

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It's a vitally important topic, Hayden. Thanks for addressing it.

A depressed friend needs concrete help, not airy platitudes and a casual, "Let me know if I can do anything to help."

She might need help navigating her insurance website to find a doctor, a daunting task even for those who aren't depressed. She might need a healthy casserole in the fridge, someone to unload the dishwasher or take the kids to the park for a couple of hours.

The prerequisite, of course, is for friends of the depressed to believe it is an illness and not a lack of will.

November 30, 2014 - 8:58am

Hello Hayden,

I joined so many other people in shock and sadness over the untimely loss of such a gifted human being.

Depression is a medical illness with a biologic factor and strong genetic link. We as a society must look at all mental illnesses, including depression, as a serious condition. It is not a taboo. We must not ignore the symptoms or individuals who suffer with it.

You ask how we can help those suffering with depression. First we must recognize that depression is not just feeling sad sometimes. We all feel sad sometimes; that is being human.

Learn the signs of depression. When someone expresses a desire to end her life, appears hopeless and losses interest in activities that once delighted her, act. This is a medical emergency, just like a heart attack.


August 12, 2014 - 8:23am
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