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Is it apendicitis or ovarin cyst

By Anonymous April 7, 2010 - 10:03pm
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I have had abdominal pain for about 3 days and 3weeks late on my period. Pregnancy test is neg. Pain is severe at times. What is it? Should I go to ER?

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Hi Anonymous-

Do you have a doctor? Particularly a gynecologist? I would start with your own health care provider before visiting an ER, unless the pain is really severe. I assume if you've been dealing with it for several days it isn't severe enough for the ER or you'd be there already.

I would definitely see your health care provider ASAP. You don't say what type of pregnancy test you took or when in your cycle you took it. Perhaps it was a false negative. Appendicitis typically would not delay your period, although you can be pregnant and have appendicitis. You haven't said just where in your abdomen the pain is. There are many things that can cause abdominal pain, making it difficult to figure this out without a physical exam.

Because you are in pain and you aren't sure what is happening you should definitely see a provider. If you feel it is a medical emergency, go to the ER. Just remember the ER is for emergencies, so if you can see your provider instead, it is a better choice for you and the people who truly need emergency treatment. Only you really know whether you need the ER at this point.

Please see a provider right away to be sure you don't have anything serious going on. Pain is your body telling you to pay attention. Good luck and please let us know how you do.

April 8, 2010 - 6:56am
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