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What's wrong with me????

By Anonymous April 16, 2010 - 10:23am
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Hi, I am 21 years old and I started my cycle when I was 11. My period has never been regular, I have my period every two-three months and it's extremely painful the first or second day, it lasts between 7-15 days. Every now and then I get lower pains in between periods, and sometimes I have large blood clots (half a golf ball size). I am very worried and never got this checked out because I am afraid of what it may be....the pain is so intense to the point I lose my breath sometimes. This can't be normal...I know no one else who experience their cycle the way I do....any clue? Cause I have none. I even wonder if I am able to get pregnant. Seems like that's impossible too.

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First let me say that you are not alone! I know several women that have had experiences similar to what you are going through, myself included. I am not a medical professional but I can tell you that I had similar issues, random periods, large clots, lots of pain, etc. After years of avoiding the OB/GYN out of fear I went in and was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS. In a nutshell I have cysts on my ovaries, and I don't always ovulate. I makes my periods awful. I'm not saying that you have this, but you do need to see a gynecologist. Female problems, in my opinion, do not go away on their own, and you need to see a medical professional for help. A gynecologist will likely suggest birth control to regulate your periods, and I can tell u from experience that it helps. Don't be afraid, you are not alone! Good luck!

April 18, 2010 - 5:08am
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