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When Your Newborn Comes Home

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Being discharged from the hospital without my newborn baby was one of the saddest days of my life. Unaware to me, it would actually be the last night, for a while, that I would get a decent night’s sleep. After an evening of much needed rest in my own bed, I welcomed the warmth from the shower.

The familiar scents of lavender shampoo and green tea bath gel reminded me how nice it was to be home. The water gently pulsated on my healing body as I placed a wet washcloth over my face and breathed in steam. I gently held it over my swollen eyes as I silently prayed that today would be the day that our baby would come home. After taking a long and relaxed shower, I wrapped myself in a fluffy towel and carefully picked out my clothes. I wanted to wear just the right thing. I still hoped that today would be our lucky day.

My husband and I drove to the hospital, prepared for the possibility of not being able to take our son home. When we spoke to the pediatrician, my heart was beating rapidly and I felt nauseous. I was emotionally drained from his three days in ICU. After only a few agonizing minutes, our prayers were answered and she happily asked me if I would like to take my baby home. I think I hugged her.

We have a picture at the hospital to document the special day. My husband stands proud over his family. Our almost nine pound baby is nearly lost in the newborn clothes and swaddled blanket. My eyes are tired and swollen but my smile is from ear to ear. His homecoming was as much of a blessing as his birth.

The entire rest of the day we did nothing but watch his little sleeping face and marvel at our son. It was the beginning of learning what a baby needs. But we were ready? Even if we weren’t, what choice did we have? We would figure it out together. Our adventure in parenting was about to begin. He was home and that was a start.

My heart aches for the parents that have babies born with serious medical issues. I do not take for granted how lucky we are to have healthy children. I am thankful everyday for my precious family.

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