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Why Sex Can Be Better After Menopause

By HERWriter
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Sex in the second half of life can be even better than the first half. Many women in their 50s, 60s and 70s are having the best sex of their lives. One reason: age. Yes, age. With age comes wisdom and confidence. No one gets to those ages without numerous accomplishments under their belt.

Obviously there is no doubt that a number of women report decreased libido as they go through menopause. However AARP’s 2009 Sex, Romance, and Relationships Survey uncovered some enlightening information. Using a random sample of 1,670 Americans ages 45 and older, the survey showed there is a high degree of sexual satisfaction among people over 45 who are sexually active. So people who continue having sex are enjoying it. Having a partner – whether married, living together or just dating – steadily increases the chances that sex drive hasn’t lessened. This is true for all ages up to age 70. However, these findings do not include women who stopped having sex or do not have a regular partner.

The most important advantage women have at menopausal age is that many know who they are, what they want, what works, and what they want next. At that age, they’ve learned a lot in about life and are ready to use these lessons when it comes to their sexuality.

After menopause, women have a life-time of experience. They know what they want and they are not shy about it. There is some research suggesting women become less inhibited as they age, so it can mean being comfortable with who they are which in turn improves sexual function and sexual performance.

Most women – after menopause – are financially stable. This often removes stress associated with finances. Stress can negatively affect libido.

There’s no need to worry about getting pregnant after menopause. Women can forget about feminine hygiene products and birth control and just go for it.

Sex cannot be interrupted. Typically, once women are past menopause, their children are more independent leaving more time for sexual activity and relationships. And with that, comes more freedom to try out new positions and products. Even if hormonal changes due to menopause lead to vaginal dryness, this can be an excuse to experiment and discover the new pleasures offered by lubricants found in any drugstore.

Women in the second half of life have accomplished great things. Why shouldn’t that include better sex after menopause?


Stacy Lloyd is a writer and video producer. A former television news journalist, she covered stories around the world. Currently, she produces corporate and non-profit videos and broadcast programming.

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EmpowHER Guest

I agree with this article
Thanks for the informative articles....

January 3, 2011 - 2:11am

Boy do I ever agree with this article!!! rock on post menopausal women!!!

January 2, 2011 - 6:29am
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