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What Is Scoliosis? - Dr. Kam Raiszadeh (VIDEO)

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Dr. Raiszadeh describes scoliosis and how it is treated.

Dr. Raiszadeh:
Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine, and such a curvature can happen in adolescence, and it can happen in later age. And it’s common in women, and it’s common in families who have had a history of scoliosis in the past.

So it’s very important in any woman who has scoliosis to watch carefully their daughters during the adolescent growth spurt that occurs and make sure that they are following closely during those time periods so that the curve does not progress too much to requiring surgery. A lot of times that curve progression can be stopped with bracing at the appropriate time.

For the older populations scoliosis can occur as a combination of the disc space is collapsing, and then it worsens to the point where then posture changes. And as you sometimes notice patients who are both sideways and forward stooped, and that becomes a problem because then we don’t have normal capacity to resist gravity and much more painful to be active and standing. And the best approaches to conditions that are progressive like that is still strengthening, getting those muscles to support the back as much as possible.

But when scoliosis progresses too far and it debilitates the patient too much, there are good alternatives surgically, including minimally invasive techniques that can allow very good quality of life and restoration of normal posture.

About Dr. Raiszadeh, M.D.:
Kam Raiszadeh, MD, serves as medical director of the Advanced Spine Institute & Minimally Invasive Spine Center at Alvarado Hospital. Dr. Raiszadeh is board certified by the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery and an active member of the Scoliosis Research Society and North American Spine Society.



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