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Map to Your Orgasm - Look to the Lip

By HERWriter
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Heading towards orgasm, we have now explored the importance of thought and brain function for sexual pleasure; the need for a women to feel safe, comfortable and on the same page as her partner to reach a climax. Building upon this crucial foundation, we are now entering the foreplay zone and we'll begin with the lips.

Our lips are an important erogenous zone, packed with nerves and very responsive to touch. Because kissing is often a simple gateway into exploring sexual activity, a standard greeting or good-bye, or an action considered tame on the scale of public displays of affection, it’s easy to forget how significant and sensual the lips can be. Because they are a tactile organ every bit as sensitive as their genital counterparts (labia is the Latin word for lip), when focused upon, lip stimulation can instigate full-body arousal.

The sexual excitement encouraged by lip locking is not merely a coincidental or emotional response, but rather a proven scientific correlation. For centuries, midwives have observed that a laboring woman who keeps her mouth slack and lips loose is able to dilate more easily than a woman who tightens her jaw and therefore other muscles in her body. The same phenomenon is true when it comes to kissing; giving attention to the lips of your mouth encourages the lips of your vulva to relax, increase blood flow and prepare for similar pleasurable ministrations.

In addition to being a valuable erogenous zone, your lips are also the vessel for communication; a key ingredient to sexual satisfaction. Expressing to your partner what you want, what feels great, and when you’d like to try something different, is very important to obtaining your orgasm. Because indicating preferences and describing your desired sensations is extremely difficult to do – especially in the heat of the moment, practicing this communication early and often (“I love when you bite my lower lip!”) allows you to carry the technique beyond your lips and your bedroom.

Finally, when concentrating on the pleasure inspired by lip action, it’s nice to remember that kissing is a mutual and reciprocating activity. While reaching your orgasm requires a certain amount of pointed self-advocacy, the hormones released when you feel, hear or see the pleasure your actions produces in a partner actually heighten your own sensations, bringing you that much closer to your own destination. Kissing is a great way to give and receive love – no extra energy necessary!

As an often overlooked, but totally erogenous body part, your lips are an excellent and essential pit stop on your journey towards orgasm. Don’t forget that kissing is not the only thing lips can do, and stay tuned for our next destination!

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