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Late period?

By Anonymous July 25, 2018 - 3:50am
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Good day!

I am 27 years old and my gf is 25 and we are sexually active but we keep track of her period calendar and always use a condom.

Last June 15-17 we had sex about twice a day. She got her period last June 20 and lasted for 5 to get a 6 days.

We again had sex twice last July 15. She said that her period was due last July 17 but today is the 25th so her period is about 8 days late.

We are also currentky on vacation from law school for the last month and she also just started doing yoga for once a week and has attended 3 sessions already.

Just want to ask of there is a chance of pregnancy based on the facts I have given and if her sudden change in schedule and activity can cause a delay in her period.

Thank you.

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HERWriter Guide

Hello Anon

Thank you for writing!
Yoga once a week is very unlikely to change her cycle but a change in lifestyle can. Even though you have been using condoms, a pregnancy test is a good idea just to rule it out. If negative, her period will be along in due time.

July 25, 2018 - 7:54am
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