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What would be the reason I cant get pregnant?

By September 24, 2010 - 10:25am
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I have 3 children..11,7,and 5. I have been trying to get pregnant for over a yr now with no luck. I was told when I had my youngest child that i had fybroids. I was told last yr by my Dr that they were no bigger than my pinkey nail. I've started to get really heavy periods to where I am soaking 2 sanitary napkins and a super tampon all at once. I do not have any std's and have never had a problem getting pregnant before. What should I be asking my Dr or what should do? Thank You in advance.

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You don't say how old you are, and that could be a factor. There are a multitude of causes for difficulty conceiving. Fibroids can grow and they can be a significant issue. They can also cause heavy bleeding. Perimenopause can do the same.

I suggest you see your ob/gyne and discuss your problem. You will likely need a physical exam, Pap test, and possibly blood work to test hormone levels. Depending on your medical history, age, and other lifestyle factors your doc may do other testing as well.

Good luck and please let us know how you do. If we can be of further assistance, don't hesitate to let us know. Thank you for writing.

September 24, 2010 - 6:20pm
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