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Why am I having pain in my armpit and top of breast?

By Anonymous January 14, 2015 - 6:16pm
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I'm only a few days away from turning 29 and about two week ago my left brest started to be tender. I ended up real sick went to the ER and they told me I had a severe UTI. I went home and took the meds they gave me. My breasts was still tender but I thought nothing of it since my period was about to start. But now all of that is over and the pain is now in my armpit. I don't have insurance to go to a Primary care doctor, should I just go back to the ER?

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Hello Anonymous,

Welcome to EmpowHER. I can appreciate your situation. The high cost of health care and insurance prevents individuals from getting adequate and necessary health care.

When you went to the ER, did you mention the pain in your left armpit and tender left breast?

Is there an urgent care or walk-in clinic in your area? That may be a better choice than going back to the ER.

Are you having any other symptoms, such as a lump in your armpit or redness? Have you had a recent injury or fall involving your left arm? Do you play a contact sport?

The common causes of axillary (armpit) pain include:
skin abscesses that cause lumps to form under the arm
skin irritation from shaving
brachial plexus injury caused by a fall or during contact sports
lymphangtis which is caused by an acute streptococcal infection of the skin that infects the lymph node ducts.

Please keep us know if we can be of any further help.


January 15, 2015 - 9:42am
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