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Patients In Chronic Pain, How Can They Ask For Help? - Dr. Wright (VIDEO)

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Patients In Chronic Pain, How Can They Ask For Help? - Dr. Wright (VIDEO)
Patients In Chronic Pain, How Can They Ask For Help? - Dr. Wright (VIDEO)
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Dr. Wright explains how women experiencing chronic pain can ask for help from family and friends.

Dr. Wright:
Pain patients tend to be more, again, wanting to be immobilized because moving can hurt. So they tend not to want to ask for help because help may mean physically lifting and moving and helping about. Getting out of feeling like they are a burden, like I say again, if this is an opportunity for other loved ones to help out. That as is a woman you’re not the only helper in the family.

Let other people have the privilege of helping you and giving them specific directions as to how they can help you manage your pain, whether it’s helping organize a space so that she can work in that space more comfortably, or whether it’s taking you certain places and learning how to manage your pain. “Hold my arm when we’re going downstairs.”

Be informed. Be educated about what reduces your pain and how people can be very helpful with you. They don’t know and guessing is dangerous. So, ask your doctor, ask your physical therapist, ask the people that are trained how to manage your environment so that your pain aggravators are at a minimum.

About Dr. Barbara Wright, Ph.D.:
Barbara Wright, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist based in Laguna Beach, California. She has been in private practice for over 30 year. During this time she has developed a method and system of compassionate communication for skillful conflict resolution, be it intrapersonal or interpersonal for individuals, couples, families, as well as schools and corporative situations. This method Metta4All, is the culmination of her life’s work as a speech therapist and clinical psychologist.

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