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Summer Fruit: What’s in Season?

By HERWriter
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summer fruit in season Via Pexels, Edited by Jordan Haiber

On a hot summer day, a bite into a piece of succulent fruit can help battle the heat just as well as an ice cold glass of lemonade. When it comes to seasonal fruits, here are some of the best fruits to snack on this summer. 


This fruit is a summer staple. The bright, red pinkish color of watermelon is just as vibrant as a summer day. What makes watermelon the perfect summer fruit is that is contains 90% water, so while we are enjoying the delicious taste of the fruit itself it is also keeping our bodies hydrated in the summer heat. 


These tasty berries are a great source of vitamin A. The trick to picking out the best tasting grapes with the longest staying power is to select the most plump and brightly colored grapes that stick tightly to the stem when the bunch is shaken. 


Not only are these little berries delicious in taste, but they pack a serious punch when it comes to benefits. Strawberries are rich in nutrients and are known to tighten the skin and help to prevent leukemia. They also make the perfect snack for on the go on a hot summer day because they handle the heat well. 


It seems that plums have earned themselves the title of a fruit bowl staple in the kitchens of many households in the summertime. Juicy and sweet, plums make the perfect summer bite. These fruits are rich in dietary fiber which makes plums beneficent to the digestive system. 


Unlike other summer fruit which become in season in June, mangos appear in May. Mango fruit is a seriously nutritionally rich fruit and is a great source of potassium, vitamin C and E. Due to this, it has earned it’s title of ‘super fruit.’ Despite all of its health benefits, the mango fruit is known for it’s unique flavor, smell and taste. 


Cherries make the perfect summer fruit for athletes and runners. Pain relief is this fruit’s speciality and also has been known to have a notable effect on relieving muscle tension. When selecting your cherries, make sure to pick out the most firm, red cherries that have the stems still intact. 


If you’re watching your figure this summer, cantaloupe is the fruit for you. This fruit is rich in delicious flavor but has minimal calories. Another great thing about this fruit is that it is totally versatile in the kitchen. It can be eaten on its own, in a fruit salad, as a custard or even as a dessert with ice cream. 

Editing Note: This article did not filter through the normal EmpowHER editing and fact checking process. It was checked for spelling and grammar.

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