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Diagnosed with uerturine cancer what is life expectancy rate

By Anonymous October 1, 2018 - 10:16am
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Hello Anon

Thank you for writing and we're very sorry to know of your diagnosis.

The answer to your question depends on what stage of cancer you are in - how early or late it was found.

• Stage I: The cancer has not spread beyond the ovaries. This is the optimum diagnosis, when the survival rate is about 90%. Unfortunately, only 15% of women are diagnosed this early.

• Stage II: The cancer has spread to the uterus, fallopian tubes, bladder, sigmoid colon, rectum or other pelvic organs. Metastasis to these organs usually produces symptoms associated with gastrointestinal conditions. Detection at this stage is still optimistic.

• Stage III: The cancer has spread beyond the pelvis to the lining of the abdomen and/or lymph nodes. Many women at this stage experience considerable discomfort. Many, after ineffective treatments, finally pursue specialists who discover a more serious condition: gynecologic cancer.

• Stage IV: The disease has spread to distant organs such as the liver or the lungs. The disease has now progressed to the point that too many organs may be involved and surgical options are limited.

Less than a fourth of women with Stage III or IV ovarian cancer will live five years after diagnosis.

The sooner medical intervention occurs, the better.

Please stay in touch with us!


October 1, 2018 - 1:45pm
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