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Creating Healthiest Schools in America Join this Group

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by Daisy Nodal 12 years ago
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I am a certified nutrition & wellness practitioner in the process of developing a core group of parents of children in grades K-12 in NW Tucson (mainly Oro Valley, Mirana & Catalina) to investigate the foods that their children are eating in schools. This group will go to school boards, principals and I will speak to parent groups to educate them about how much healthier while foods and plant based foods are over junk foods in the cafeterias and vending machines on campus. I am looking for like-minded people in the NW side of Tucson who are willing to advise me of their school food services; ideas to get parents motivated to not only change the school lunches but their own food preparation to incorporate only healthy foods. There is much said about obesity in children (and adults) but few articles say anything about the children who are undernourished and hyper because of fast foods, sugar and processed food diets.


Oro Valley (NW Tucson)


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