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130-98 is the normlal blood pleassure for 38 weeks pregnents

By Anonymous May 9, 2009 - 7:34am
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t is common for a woman's blood pressure to slightly lower during her second trimester. After a while, it will return to normal.

As for high blood pressure (130-98), it is not as common although pregnant woman over 20 weeks could experience the raised blood pressure (hypertension).

Is this your first pregnancy? Preeclampsia could occur which is a blood circulation problem that is often associated with pregnancy. Web MD provides the following symptoms:

Signs of preeclampsia include:
Elevated blood pressure (generally 140/90 millimeters of mercury [mm Hg] or higher). This could be higher systolic blood pressure (the first number), or higher diastolic blood pressure (the second number), or both. Any large increase in blood pressure should alert a woman and her doctor to possible risk.
Persistent headache.
Vision problems.
Pain in the upper right abdomen.
Lab results indicating elevated uric acid and/or protein in the urine (proteinuria).
Swelling of the hands and face that does not go away during the day. This symptom of normal pregnancy may be a sign of preeclampsia if it is accompanied by other signs of preeclampsia.
If you believe you may have any of the above signs, a simple blood test can see if your proteins are high which may need to be treated with medication and bed rest.

For more information, please visit the Mayo Clinics website at http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/preeclampsia/DS00583.

High blood pressure should be monitored either way. You should contact your physician. I hope this helps. Let us know how you are doing.

May 9, 2009 - 8:25am
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