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Do i have ADHD

By Anonymous April 12, 2010 - 1:48pm
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i find it hard to remember things. Like reading a chapter and soon as the book close i 4get everything. it's extremely hard 4 me to concentrate especially a long period of time. im 17 years old.Multiple things go on in my head like a tv playing all station s at one time. I also have a hard time learning a new concept and trying to remember it. My attention span is very short. I find my self wondering and doing other things rather than doing my work or paying attention when i'm supposed to.

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Hi, Anon,

As someone who has ADD/ADHD myself, I can tell you that it's possible you do, from the symptoms you list. ADD/ADHD people are very prone to distraction and often have trouble concentrating unless they're really, really interested in something.

Have these things just started more recently, or have they been part of the way you are as long as you can remember?

Here is an online quiz that asks you 24 questions and then scores you to see if you need to see a doctor to be evaluated for ADD/ADHD. You should answer the questions in terms of how you have felt most of your life.


It adds up your score and then lets you know where you are on this scale:

70 & up Adult ADHD
50 - 69 Moderate ADHD
35 - 49 Borderline ADHD
25 - 34 Mild ADHD
0 - 24 No ADHD likely

It's not a diagnosis, but it's a good tool to know if you should see someone for a proper diagnosis.

And if you believe you do, this organization's home page may help:


That's the website for Children and Adults with ADD/ADHD.

I sure hope this helps. Take it from me, an ADD/ADHD diagnosis and treatment CAN help you with those bothersome symptoms if that's what's going on with you. If you have it, you will have it all of your life, but you can learn some coping mechanisms -- and/or take medication -- that will help.

April 13, 2010 - 10:02am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Diane Porter)

i took it and scored a 92. it told me to see a professional immediately

April 13, 2010 - 11:56am
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