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do married women want sex more than married men?

By Anonymous July 20, 2009 - 3:16pm
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My wife is 8 years younger than I and seems to want it nonstop. Before I broke my back for a third time I was able rise for the occasion but not quite as often as before. Which led me to ask if married women want sex more than married men? I admit my situation is. N. Quite. The. Norm but. I. Was. Wondering

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Dear Anon,

I am so sorry about your back--ouch.

Regarding your question: I think it really depends, my husband is almost 13 years older than I am and I am by no means more sexually active than he is. Granted he is in his late thirties so he is still young and we have a 5 month old baby who takes a lot of my energy.

When you say "nonstop" do you mean multiple times a day, daily, or 4-5 times per week?
There are many factors that can attribute to your wife's sexual drive: Age-- If she is very young, she is full of energy and needs to burn it off. If she is in her early thirties, then she may be at her peak sexual years.
Previous relationships also tend to get us used to that way of life, particularly if it was a long relationship.
Sometimes it is our current relationships that get us used to daily sex and when it stops all of a sudden (whether it be for no reason or because you are physically hurt, exhausted, etc.) then she may feel threatened or compelled to continue trying to seduce you.
Does she have children? (Particularly young) If she doesn't and is of child-bearing age, then maybe that is what she is aiming for-- provided she wants to have kids.

It may be a good idea to have this conversation with you wife. Although I wouldn't ask her "why do you like sex so much?" instead try saying, "I love that you are so into me almost as much as I want you, but the pain in my back seems to have taken its toll on me and I don't want you to feel rejected. Do you think we can make an attempt to limit sex to a couple of times a week instead of every day?" or something of that nature. It's a hard conversation to have, but the last thing you want to do is start giving her the "I'm too tired" or "my back hurts" excuse every day because her mind will start to wander and not in a good way--even if your back really does hurt.

I hope you and your wife find a happy medium--good luck!

July 21, 2009 - 7:01am

Well, not knowing how old either of you are, I'd be willing to wager that there's more than just being the younger married woman mentality going on.

Some of us reach a point in our lives when we need the reassurance that we're still attractive, sexy, virile - whatever. I believe men go through this too, if my hubby is anywhere near "the norm" for 60-year-old males.

Have you talked this out with your wife? And, what do you do that you've broken your back 3 times (!)? yikes!

July 20, 2009 - 5:46pm
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