My mother and grandmother smoked since I was a child. I never liked the smell or breathing in the smoke, so I usually avoided going outside during their smoke breaks. Fortunately, they rarely smoked inside the house, but sometimes they smoked in the car.

The smoke will forever be inside my grandmother's Pathfinder no matter how much she cleans it.

I learned that smoking was bad for the health and never liked it anyway, although a new study suggests that I might be predisposed to smoking behavior and addiction.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reported that a smoking addiction can be passed from a mother to a child, although smoking isn't inherited. The brief said, "One study finds that, if a woman smokes during pregnancy or in years soon after, the odds rise that her child will become a smoker, too."

Fortunately, I've learned to stay away from most addictive behaviors. The only thing I like to smoke is hookah, and I don't even do that often enough to cause any worry. I've only tried a cigarette once in my life and don't plan to start smoking cigarettes anytime soon. I don't know who to thank for this, since I am obviously not addicted to something that I should or could be. I do think that sometimes when you know your parent is addicted to something, it makes you avoid the addictive object even more, since you have to observe the effects of addiction in that parent your whole life.

For mothers, this study should definitely be taken into consideration. You don't want your child to end up as a smoker! There are too many costs: health and money. Do your child a favor and at least wait until they're much older if you have the urge to smoke. Definitely don't smoke while pregnant - that is a major no-no!
